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The Power of the "It'd Be Nice" List: Why Moms Should Write Down and Reflect on Their Desires

July 24, 20238 min read

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The power of the ‘It’d be nice’ list: Why Moms Should Write Down and Reflect on Their Desires


As mothers, we often find ourselves dedicated to taking care of our family's needs, putting their happiness above our own. While this selflessness is commendable, it's crucial to remember that our happiness and well-being matter too. One way to prioritize our desires and aspirations is through the "It'd Be Nice" list—a powerful tool that allows moms to explore their dreams, interests, and personal goals. In this blog, we delve into the significance of creating and reflecting on this special list, empowering moms to embrace self-care and personal growth.

Embracing the Art of Dreaming:

Every mom has dreams and desires, big or small, that often take a backseat in the hustle and bustle of daily life. The "It'd Be Nice" list provides a canvas for exploring those dreams without limitations. Whether it's learning a new skill, traveling to a dream destination, or pursuing a hobby, writing down these aspirations ignites a sense of excitement and possibility.

Feeling isolated in motherhood can be a tough challenge to overcome, but you don't have to go through it alone. As an identity coach for moms, I'm here to support you and help you navigate this journey. Whether you need help in building your support system, practicing self-care, or simply want someone to talk to, I'm here for you. Let's work together to create a plan that fits your unique needs and helps you thrive in motherhood. Click here to schedule a consultation and let's start this journey together!

Fostering Self-Discovery:

As moms, it's easy to get caught up in our roles and responsibilities, losing touch with our individual identities. The act of reflecting on our "It'd Be Nice" list helps us rediscover our passions and interests beyond motherhood. It encourages self-discovery and reconnects us with the person we were before motherhood.

Creating Personal Goals:

The "It'd Be Nice" list can serve as a starting point for setting personal goals. Whether it's taking a class, starting a project, or dedicating time to a cherished hobby, these aspirations can transform into actionable goals that contribute to our growth and fulfillment.

Sample ‘It’d be nice’ List:

1. Learn to Play the Guitar: Always admired the mesmerizing melodies of a guitar? It'd be nice to take guitar lessons and strum my favorite tunes.

2. Solo Weekend Getaway: It'd be nice to plan a solo weekend getaway to a cozy cabin in the mountains, just for some quiet time to relax and recharge.

3. Start a Herb Garden: Imagining a lush garden filled with fragrant herbs? It'd be nice to start a small herb garden on my balcony and enjoy fresh herbs in my cooking.

4. Volunteer at a Local Animal Shelter: Animal lover at heart? It'd be nice to dedicate some time to volunteering at a local animal shelter and give back to furry friends in need.

5. Learn Calligraphy: Always fascinated by beautiful calligraphy art? It'd be nice to take a calligraphy workshop and create artistic pieces for my home.

6. Morning Yoga Routine: Want to start the day with tranquility? It'd be nice to establish a morning yoga routine to center my mind and body.

7. Take a Painting Class: Yearning to express myself through art? It'd be nice to enroll in a painting class and explore my creativity on canvas.

8. Plan a Picnic with Friends: Missing quality time with friends? It'd be nice to plan a fun-filled picnic at the park and catch up with laughter and joy.

9. Read a Book Each Month: Love getting lost in a good book? It'd be nice to make time to read a new book each month and indulge in literary adventures.

10. Try Aerial Yoga: Seeking a unique workout experience? It'd be nice to challenge myself with aerial yoga classes and enjoy a new way to stay fit.

11. Attend a Live Music Concert: Longing for the thrill of live music? It'd be nice to attend a live concert and sing along to my favorite tunes.

12. Host a Movie Night under the Stars: Want to create magical memories with family? It'd be nice to set up an outdoor movie night in the backyard with blankets and popcorn.

13. Take a Photography Course: Fascinated by capturing beautiful moments? It'd be nice to take a photography course and improve my skills behind the lens.

14. Start a Journaling Practice: Craving self-reflection and growth? It'd be nice to start a journaling practice to jot down thoughts and emotions.

15. Family Camping Adventure: Hoping for a fun-filled adventure with the family? It'd be nice to plan a camping trip and bond over campfires and stargazing.

Remember, the "It'd Be Nice" list is a reflection of your desires and dreams, and it can evolve as you do. Take small steps towards exploring these aspirations and embracing the joy of self-discovery. Happy journeying! 🌟🌸

Nurturing a Positive Mindset:

Writing down our desires on the "It'd Be Nice" list shifts our mindset from self-doubt to self-belief. It reminds us that our happiness is a priority, and we deserve to pursue things that bring joy and fulfillment.

Encouraging Self-Care and Balance:

The "It'd Be Nice" list acts as a gentle reminder to invest time in ourselves, promoting self-care and balance. By incorporating these desires into our routine, we take steps towards achieving emotional and mental well-being.

Embracing Life's Journey:

Life is an ever-changing journey, and the "It'd Be Nice" list reminds us that our desires can evolve over time. Regularly revisiting and updating the list allows us to adapt to life's shifts and embrace new opportunities for growth and joy.

If you're a mom who feels like you've lost touch with your identity or sense of self, I invite you to schedule a free coaching consultation with me. Together, we can explore your values, passions, and goals and develop strategies for finding fulfillment in motherhood and beyond. Remember, you don't have to navigate this journey alone. Reach out and let's work together to create a fulfilling life that honors all aspects of who you are.


Q: What is the "It'd Be Nice" list, and how does it differ from a traditional to-do list?

A: The "It'd Be Nice" list is a collection of desires, dreams, and aspirations that moms wish to explore beyond their daily responsibilities. Unlike a to-do list, which typically focuses on tasks and obligations, the "It'd Be Nice" list is about personal growth, self-care, and pursuing interests that bring joy and fulfillment.

Q: Why is it important for moms to prioritize their desires and interests?

A: Prioritizing desires and interests is essential for moms to maintain a sense of self and individual identity beyond motherhood. It promotes emotional well-being, positive self-image, and sets an example for their children about the value of personal growth and self-fulfillment.

Q: How can the "It'd Be Nice" list contribute to self-discovery?

A: Writing down desires and aspirations on the "It'd Be Nice" list encourages self-discovery by allowing moms to explore their passions, interests, and forgotten hobbies. Reflecting on these aspirations helps them reconnect with their pre-motherhood selves and fosters a deeper understanding of their personal goals.

Q: Is the "It'd Be Nice" list only for significant life goals or can it include smaller desires too?

A: The "It'd Be Nice" list can encompass a wide range of aspirations, from grand life goals to smaller everyday pleasures. Whether it's learning a new skill, planning a weekend getaway, or simply taking time for a hobby, each desire has its place on the list.

Q: How can moms make time for their "It'd Be Nice" list amid their busy schedules?

A: Finding time for the "It'd Be Nice" list requires intentional effort. Moms can start by allocating small pockets of time each week to pursue their desires, whether it's dedicating 15 minutes to read a book or engaging in a creative activity during nap time. Every step, no matter how small, counts towards personal growth.

Q: Can moms involve their families in supporting their "It'd Be Nice" list pursuits?

A: Absolutely! Involving family members in supporting your "It'd Be Nice" list pursuits not only strengthens family bonds but also shows them the importance of self-care and personal goals. Engage in activities together, share your desires, and encourage open communication about pursuing individual interests.

Q: Why is it essential to revisit and update the "It'd Be Nice" list regularly?

A: Life is dynamic, and our desires and priorities can change over time. Regularly revisiting and updating the list allows moms to adapt to life's shifts and embrace new opportunities for growth and joy. It keeps the list relevant and in sync with their evolving aspirations.

Q: What are some practical ways to start creating a "It'd Be Nice" list?

A: Creating a "It'd Be Nice" list is a simple yet powerful exercise. Moms can start by setting aside quiet time to reflect on their desires and write them down in a journal or a digital note. They can also use prompts like "What would I love to learn?" or "What experiences do I wish to have?" to spark ideas and inspiration.

Q: How can moms stay motivated to pursue their "It'd Be Nice" list aspirations?

A: Staying motivated requires self-compassion and perseverance. Moms can find support through online communities, friends, or accountability partners. Celebrating even small progress and acknowledging the value of self-fulfillment can keep the motivation alive.

Q: Can the "It'd Be Nice" list evolve as kids grow older and family dynamics change?

A: Absolutely! The "It'd Be Nice" list is not fixed; it can evolve with life's transitions. As kids grow older and family dynamics change, moms may discover new interests or have the opportunity to revisit previous aspirations. Flexibility is key to embracing the journey of self-discovery and empowerment..


Moms, the "It'd Be Nice" list is more than just a collection of wishes; it's a reflection of your inner desires and dreams waiting to be acknowledged and pursued. Taking the time to write down and reflect on these aspirations empowers you to embrace self-care, personal growth, and fulfillment beyond motherhood. Remember, you deserve to nurture your well-being and embrace the beauty of your unique journey. So, go ahead, create your "It'd Be Nice" list, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment!

If you're a mom in Northern Virginia looking for a supportive community of like-minded women, I invite you to join More than Mom Community. Our community offers a safe and non-judgmental space for moms to connect, share, and support one another. Plus, as a member, you'll have access to exclusive resources, events, and coaching from me as an identity coach for moms. All of this is available for just $11 a month. Join us today and take the first step towards finding community and support on your motherhood journey.

The Power of the "It'd Be Nice" List: Why Moms Should Write Down and Reflect on Their Desires
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